
发布日期:2024-06-10 07:55    点击次数:166




Tesla's success in China has demonstrated that equal cooperation and mutual benefits conform to the fundamental interests of China and the United States, Premier Li Qiang said in a meeting on Sunday with Elon Musk, CEO of the US electric car maker. Calling Tesla's development in China a successful example of trade cooperation between Beijing and Washington, Li expressed the hope that the US will work in the same direction as China to promote the stable development of bilateral ties. China's huge market will always remain open to foreign enterprises, he emphasized.

据央视新闻报谈,马斯克这次系应中国贸促会邀请访华,中国贸促会会长任鸿斌本日地午会见了马斯克, 就下一步联结等话题进行调换。

Musk arrived in Beijing on Sunday at the invitation of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). Ren Hongbin, president of the CCPIT, met with Musk and engaged in discussions regarding future cooperation, according to China Media Group.

据人人网征引路透社最新报谈,特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克28日搭乘航班赶赴北京,争取鼓励全自动驾驶 (Full-Self Driving,简称FSD)在中国落地。报谈称,这是他对中国“一次令东谈主巧合的探访”。


Musk is scheduled to engage with senior Chinese officials in Beijing to deliberate on the implementation strategy for Full Self-Driving technology in China which aims to enable autonomous driving mode on Tesla cars in China, reported Reuters.



FSD is available in countries including the US, but not in China, the BBC reported that the electric carmaker has previously taken steps to reassure Chinese authorities about the rollout of FSD in the country, including establishing a data center in Shanghai to process data about Chinese consumers in accordance with local laws.



Musk's visit also came as the 2024 Beijing International Automotive Exhibition is underway. The auto show started on Thursday and will run through Saturday. Musk was quoted by Chinese media as saying, upon his arrival in Beijing on Sunday afternoon, that \"it was good to see electric vehicles making progress in China. All cars will be electric in the future\".





起原:中国日报 人人时报 滂湃新闻 路透社